Pigeon poignant?

We've spent four days in Rome now and we've earned our blisters. We sought out the few corners of the city that had been missed and we are ready for a holiday. We spent seven hours meandering through the streets and managed to avoid the Rome-bladder-trap (where you are stuck with a time-bomb in your belly) very well indeed. Jane didn't get veggies soon enough and is feeling a little ill but managed to pull through a big day.
We wanted to buy another bag today but left it too late. We've accumulated another few cubic feet of stuff and need a place for it. It will all fit within our baggage allowance though.
Jane put the difference between Italy and France very well. France will always be a stranger but Italy is someone you have known for a while. It's a big difference, and it makes normal life easier to attain. It was the Irish and the Italians (with a little Greek help) that made Australia bearable. I can see why here. The traffic is well-mannered yet complex. Everything is achieved with little aggravation, no road-rage, no rudeness, just flow. From buses to horses and carriages and bicycles, all is assimilated into the flow.
The only thing we don't understand is why so many motorcycle riders drag one foot in the air. Is it an off-shoot of GP racing? The French do it more but it seems to be modish here too. I can't figure it. A good rider rarely needs to touch the ground. Only Harley riders drag their feet like infants on tricycles. Any answers out there?
Apropos of nothing
I was listening to the Science Show on Radio National yesterday (podcast) and it talked about the Dunning Kruger Effect. It is the very common situation where the most confident are the least intelligent and vica versa. Arrogance is a direct offshoot of stupidity and modesty often arises from competency. It explains the Republican party, the Liberal Party (an Australian oxymoron), the futility of democracy and the paradoxical nature of ambition.
This idea seems to be proved, beyond doubt by George Idiot Bush yet completely undermined by Barack Obama. A tough one I know.
It is worth looking up because it causes even me to pause for thought.
This idea seems to be proved, beyond doubt by George Idiot Bush yet completely undermined by Barack Obama. A tough one I know.
It is worth looking up because it causes even me to pause for thought.
We are booked into a hotel on Venice tomorrow. A very fast train will take us to the vanishing city and we will then be off to Zurich. Maybe we'll drive to Paris from there.
Looks like all of the spewing fountains seem they may be sick of all the tourists! Very beautiful nevertheless. As far as dragging one foot in the air? Just don't get it. I guess you could confront a real Hell's Angel and ask them. Ha! And just a question here... Why does an Aussie care about Bush or Obama? Just asking. I may have bit off more than I can chew on this one!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the pics and satire of Venice!
I guess that they are important because of the ripples they cause. (Bush, Obama) Bush seemed like a puppet for the selfish self-server Cheney, who was a puppet to George Bush Senior. U.S. politics flows down to everyone and unfortunately I have to suffer the consequences of Americans voting for somebody who is obviously a manipulated idiot. The future of the world matters to me because I've got sons. If Americans vote for idiots then my sons suffer.
ReplyDeleteThat's my logic. No offence meant.
I must say that I have to agree with you 100% on that Tim. I too have a son and a daughter along with five grand kids. I can say Obama did NOT get my vote. Didn't mean to get political. I am not offfended at all. Truth is truth!
ReplyDeleteThe Crimes against man by the Catholic Church in even 1 diocese in Maitland Newcastle , Australia - in which just 7 priests were being held for over 170 charges of buggery and pedophilia in 2010. Hence if one were to consider the murders including agreements made with Hitler in WWII (to illuminate these are not ancient concerns), one would need to spend countless lifetimes naming the Souls of those whom the vatican destroyed by mere words and against scripture.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the wealth of the vatican (no I will not type a capital 'v') see Time issue Feb 26th 1965, whence estimated wealth over 40years ago was between 10 and 15 Billion, with major 'shareholders' in Italy alone over 1.2 million. It is the pestilence no Good God created, yet man did!
Well spoken.