Saturday, April 24, 2010

Waiting for Jano

This is Darryl, he gave me directions in LA and liked having his photo taken. Good face eh?

I had to take this shot. Drive-through banking.

Had to stop cycling across America for a smoke.

Hey Maw!

These things are everywhere.

This was worth copying.

It's done. I'm cossetted in the Radisson at LAX.

I've been down Broadway. I've seen thousands of wind generators on the way to LA (Palm Springs. Have a GoogleEarth at it). I've been lost and honked at on LAs great big freeways. I've been hit on by a gay guy in a torn shirt and an old pick-up with an old pick-up line.

I'm having a day to unwind and chill out before Sane Jane arrives.


  1. A massive effort Tim, and a hugely entertaining few weeks' reading. Looking forward to your impressions of Europe, that den of godless liberalism, with its public hospital death panels, and its shameful failure to teach Intelligent Design in science classes.

  2. Glad it's been well-received Mick. I've done this trip with that contrast in mind.
    One thing I forgot to mention is that 90% of Americans can't seem to read maps. I thought that this might be where to start with them.
    Secular, non-scientific, abstract, non-emotional, fat/sugar-free studies which might eventually lead them to see the world as a sphere. Stealth Rationalism
