
He wowed the crowd.

Lucky Devil

Caesar's Palace...... comes with a salad, boom boom

This is the Stratosphere, my hotel. It has a fairground on top of the tower.

Irish James, a sympathetic soul who did me and the camel a lot of good

Billy Hughes, Irish James and James. The Vegas catcher's mitt.

They have the Arc de Triomphe as well.

These shots are from Utah but I wanted to put them up

Today was pretty huge.
I had to make a dash for Vegas.
Utah was sucking me in.
It was another big blast down an interstate. Interstates are my punishment for wandering. If I've wandered too far north or south I have to do an interstate to compensate. I hate them. This one was signposted at 75 mph which means that I am at a real disadvantage. Today had another strong crosswind which made the handlebar-mounted fairing (faring?) a torment. I had a few moments where I had to get past one slower truck and the wind was gusting me towards his crushing, life-ending wheels.
I coached myself through it because I haven't smelt a skunk yet.
I was in a very primitive state by the time I got to Vegas and because of this, no doubt, my approach to navigation was even more primitive. Non-compus.
I had to get to Vegas to get to a particular bike-shop to try to rectify an oil-loss problem. I ended up in the hands of some very fine people. I was fully expecting to have to steer my way around the usual malcontents but these guys did more for me than I could have wished for.
Congeniality is an American specialty.
I walked down the strip tonight and saw the 'shoppes', the poker machines and a lot of very frivolous architecture (who knew?). I had dinner with a guy called Tomas who goes by the name of 'Smoothini the Magician'. Loved it. He did a few startling card tricks and I did my exhausted best to keep up my side of the discussion. He was primed for his show which started in an hour and was way ahead of me in every direction.
He was trying to break through the 'Coarse-barrier' (my phrase) in comedy, he could make a living with comic sexual innuendo for the stomach-and-groin crowd, but wanted, quite naturally, to break it big. He knew he had to step away from the easy stuff, but whether to risk what he had already. Life.
It's a tough one. Bird-in-the-hand sort of thing.
I'm done in but I've thrown up a few pics of the country leading here and some strip views.
I wish I could have videoed the trip from St George to Las Vegas. The road drops about 5000 ft as it dives between cliff-faces. I was looking at sheer rock faces of 2000ft height. It was stunning and a great farewell from the gigantic nature of Utahn (a real word) geology.
I'm in a pretty good suite at the Stratosphere Casino and I've had a walk down the strip. Just because. It's great to see things in context. I'm booked in for two nights, so there will be more carefully composed detail in the next exciting episode.
Nod awaits.
ReplyDeleteGood idea to spend two nights i think. Relax a bit. Bit of gambling maybe? Are the Americans nicer than us? Because that would be embarrassing. We're fatter and they are nicer. :)
Missing ya
Yeah, I'm chuffed. A bargain 16th floor suite and freak city here we come.
ReplyDeleteJust remember...What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas! Get some much needed rest I'm sure. Save a few pennies back for the trip home! A few hands of black jack possibly?
ReplyDeleteBlack Jack maybe. I haven't risked a dollar yet. I'll wait until I'm tanked and ready to make critical decisions about my financial future.
ReplyDeleteAdded note: Don't forget to ride the coaster on top! I think it is still there.
ReplyDeleteHi Tim!
ReplyDeleteI hope all is well. Vegas is an interesting distraction, to say the least. It can be a lot of fun, but it gets old real quick. Two days is about my limit these days.
I left a couple of comments on previous pages, but some have disappeared. What happened to the "Massif and Georges" page? Ah well. It looks like you are having a wonderful time!
As the squids on the sport bikes say: "keep the rubber side down"!
The Massif and Gorges page is back up. I made a very rare mistake.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about LV. Maybe that's why people risk their money and sanity, to overcome the boredom. Two nights is perfect and fascinating. My feet hurt. Love to you and family. They deserve you. Love to Paul too.
Dennis: Help me here. "Squids"?
A "Squid" is a sport bike rider only concerned with stunting tricks such as: stoppies, wheelies and the like. The breed can usually be spotted by a mohawk hair cut and walks with a slight limp. Brightly colored jackets are also a give-away. Caution: this breed fits squarely in your "half-smart" category. Further markers include a pronounced fore-head and mouth breathing.
ReplyDeleteBe careful out there - it's a jungle!
Very good Den. Got a laugh out of that one. Limping mouth-breathers in showy jackets. Oh to be young again.