Hello all or few,
Am on the way to see the shuttle-launch tomorrow after doing a loop in the North-east of Florida of 200 miles. The bike is going well but I have found a loose engine bolt up the front. There has been a bit of that actually. I'll be able to fix it tomorrow at PCS, Tony said to bring it back and indeed I will.
I camped near the ocean last night, Ihid in a realty development as accommodation wasn't forthcoming. I sat in my camp drinking a very tidy NZ Pinot as I waited for the zeds to hit. Slept in until after seven and headed inland to see how my luck was holding up. It seems to be doing okay.
I have to stop in at McDonalds to send all this off so I need to remind myself that salads are just fine and that the bike is loaded up enough. I've found a way to add photos now so Hopefully that will work. My computer needed an extra 56 pixels for the camera to agree to participate. I've managed to just use the card directly, and shrink them to jpegs. The stuff you need to know nowadays would have got you a seat on the moon-launch years ago.
Great weather here, if a little dewy in the morning (wet tent), great roads, terrific people to deal with (even the tough ones are decent) and my only worry is getting fat.
I'll get close to Canaveral this afternoon, try to get some stuff washed, and have a shower (on principle). I don't mind camping as I don't like parting with my greenbacks. Stealing a little corner somewhere is very attractive as the nightsky can be enjoyed alone, which is the point of this trip really.
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Saw a whole family, with three little girls in party taffeta, turn up at Dunkin Donuts this morning in the family golf-cart. I didn't want to ask. But I should have.
So, everything is peachy. I saw a BMW rider with a helmet on today. It's too soon into my trip for me to be risking haemotomas. Maybe later. The idea of smashing my mouth into the top edge of the fairing screen has that impulse under control for the moment. Everybody nods.
Well. that's it for the noo. Wish I was funnier and more anecdotal but I'm sure that I will be hilarious and raconteurial (?) by the end of this bum-flattening trip (I have an air-seat but...)
One thing... today was Sunday, and nearly everybody seemed to be at one of the barn-like churches I passed, and there were many. Only me and swirling columns of vultures to be seen.
Hi Tim, Levi has no internet where he is in Branxton but he'll catch up with your blog when he can. K x
ReplyDeleteNo Prob Kiny. It's probably not his thing anyway. I mean I only witnessed a space-shuttle launch.
ReplyDeleteOh ho!, isn't he funny when I can't chase after him!! I'm gonna get my pal Billy-D to come chase you! (That's Lando Calrissian).
ReplyDeleteI hope you figure out the laptop-camera situation.
Space-shuttle launch? Jealousy+awej
Anyway this isn't your most recent post so I'm going to head over there