Today had me wake up in a cheap motel west of Memphis. I'd gotten in late because of several trips over the Mississippi (wow-moments) and a long chat with an older fellow who wanted to get to a casino so that he could have extra money for his up-coming holiday. He was all about himself but open to being helped with directions by someone who quite desperately needed some directing himself. I actually did sort him out and then went on to find the room described above.
I watched TV (30 Rock episode, v f) and proceeded to work through a six-pack of Bud. Only got up to five before nodding off. I was originally given the key to a room complete with slept-in bed and someone's toothbrush. The Indian lady waggled her head and apologised. I had thought that Arkansas might have a more open notion of personal, private hygiene. Hot-bedding is for submarines man.
I managed to recharge my phone, computer batteries, shaver and hair-shears as well as my connection with convention. It was good to not have to do the whole tent-thing but only as a break. I enjoy camping and have everything very well organised.
The guzzi is running well and I enjoyed the steady pace of today's trip over the cornfields (maybe) of Eastern Arkansas. The people are much more matter-of-fact here, they also have fewer teeth, they don't have the other person so much in mind and are more Australian, it seems to me, in their inter-dealings. Maybe a trait of Flat-landers everywhere?
I want to stay near Hot Springs tonight. I might try some of those soothing waters. I seem to be physically well and not suffering from the usual symptoms of Yankee-Bloat. Everyone here seems to suffer from their enforced staple of fat. I saw an ad last night that showed 'international chefs' combining 'four types of cheese' to produce whatever fat-product they were spruiking. I can't be bothered remembering. Maybe I can't...?
I just had a great guy-chat with Leonard from Little Rock (or nearby) about old bikes, travelling and other stuff while all these photos loaded. I always like the fact that I can be entertained so readily while I'm here. He saw the bike and wanted to chew some... sorry, can't help it... fat. (He was very trim, I should say) He had to go when his wife texted from the car asking for him to rejoin her in their future adventures.
The photos above show a few of the people I described in yesterday's blog. The 'grits', which is made of corn, not potato, is on the right. You can see the margarine sachets gloating nearby. God it was bad. Apparently, Danny was saying (See him and Kim with computer) that he prefers it with sugar. As would I. Enough with the fat already, please, no more.
Off I go. If you are following but haven't clicked as a follower, please do so. As I like to know who is out there. Dee? You and Gray there? I know Chris isn't. I've pissed him off real bad.
Well, you know I'm here. The photo's are coming up really well. All those people in today's blog look like really nice people. I guess not everyone will sign up for 'looking' but I sent the link to Mum (as it's so entertaining) and showed it to Mike when I saw him on Tuesday as he's travelled the states a little but not on a bike, usually just by plane. Take care you Guzzi riding blogger.... xx
ReplyDeleteTim, I paid your bill at the campground. told the people you left it with me to pay for you, Sorry but your no longer a fugitive. consider it my contribution for your insane but gutsy endeavor (I'm jealous). You can pay me back if I ever make it to Singleton or you come this way again, maybe buy me a beer or three! Glad the Guzzi is holding up well. Kim and I will be following your progress. Good Luck! Your Bama Friends.
ReplyDeleteDanny, you've taken my edge away. I was slinking about with my hand over my face whenever I saw the law. I tried to sound like a New Zealander when at McDonalds and I scratched 'Harley Davidson' on the tank of the Guzzi. Now you've gone and redeemed me I'll have to conjure up some other entertaining fantasy.
ReplyDeleteThanks so mauch Danny. I'll get back to fella. Seems an odd way to repay your Alabam courtesy I'm sure. But we Ozzies call it 'cringe-free' love.
Thanks again, and you too Kim.
Thanks Kiny,
ReplyDeleteI hope it doesn't damage my creative stream to know that the mother-in-law that I sacked so long ago is watching. Michael too? Hi Mike. Bernie? Nah.
Danny, if you can send yor address to timothymarkjones@gmail.com then I may be able to sleep at nights instead of having your scowling face torturing my darkest hours.
ReplyDeleteI was worried about the ex-mother-in-law hovering over your shoulder while you blogged thing but it doesn't seem to have affected you so that's good.